1. I have a feeling this will become yet another chapter in the legend of Coach Victor. I knew you wouldn’t bask in the Puke Hill victory for long.

    1. Vic,
      You never cease to impress me…..nothing like a subtle (yeah right) challenge to all your colleagues??!!! The SuperCoach legend continues to grow!!! Thanks Rhett for initiating the saga!

  2. Coach Vic. I love this get fit get good concept and I am going to go ahead and make the commitment to do it myself as well. As always you inspire me to be a better coach everyday. I would love to post this challenge to my athletes and clients. Let me know if that is OK with you.

  3. (I love the Rocky IV poster in the background and the music!). Victor you are a remarkable workhorse and any athlete would be fortunate to be under your care. Keep up the inspiration!

  4. You have a great concept there. I’m only 18 but I’m gonna try and build myself to be a super coach now. I started on the 50K on 9/1/10 and as of now I’m at 1215 Push ups. INSPIRATION

    1. Jason,

      Thanks for the comment and congratulations on being the most forward-thinking 18 year old I’ve ever met! I have no doubt you’re well on your way to becoming a Super Coach. Keep us updated on your progress.

      Coach Hall

  5. I saw your post right after you started this challenge. I started a few days later. September 4th, to be exact. Still going strong and love having the challenge to face every day. Keep it up Vic.

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